

Beaumont, Port Arthur, Groves, Nederland, Orange, Vidor, Silsbee

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*Más enganche, menos mensualidad. 
More down, less monthly payment.

3 beds 2 baths 1484 SF  $12,000 Down Starting / Empezando

4 beds, 2 baths, 1,803 sq ft.
Lot: .289 Acres / de un acre
$15,000 Minimum Down/Mínimo de Enganche
Option 1: 
$15,000 Down/Enganche
$169,900 Price/Precio
$1,353 per month/ X mes

Option 2: 
$20,000 Down/Enganche
$167,900 Price/Precio
$1,292 per month/ X mes

Option 3:
$30,000 Down/Enganche
$165,900 Price/Precio
$1,187 per month/ X mes

4 CAR GARAGE! 4 beds (recameras), 3 baths (banos) + detached garage apartment. (Amas partamento de garaje). 2521 SF  .3551 Acres 15,470SF

$40,000 Down Minimum/Enganche Mínimo 
Option 1: 
$25,000-$30,000 Down/Enganche
$269,900 Price/Precio
$1 per month/ X mes

Option 2: 
$50,000 Down/Enganche
$255,000 Price/Precio
$per month/ X mes

Option 3:
$100,000 Down/Enganche
$ Price/Precio
$ per month/ X mes
1547 Pipkin St
Beaumont, TX 77701
4 beds, 3 baths, 2,000 sq ft.
Lot: 9,520 sq ft lot*Photo%20Feb%2001%202024%2C%2010%2054%2018%20AM*jpg?alt=media&token=591a6ca3-5359-4374-90ee-f7ba3169eee2
Option 1: 
$15,000 Down/Enganche
$185,000 Price/Precio
$1,486 per month/mes

Option 2: 
$25,000 Down/Enganche
$182,000 Price/Precio
$1,372 per month/mes

Option 3: 
$33,000 Down/Enganche
$180,000 Price/Precio
$1,285 per month/mes
Option 1: AS-IS
$7,999 Down/Enganche
$117,995 Price/Precio
$961 per month/mes

Option 2: AS-IS
$9,995 Down/Enganche
$117,995 Price/Precio
$943 per month/mes

Option 3: Central A/C
$13,000 Down/Enganche
$124,000 Price/Precio
$970 per month/mes*FAMILY%201%20TAYLOR*jpg?alt=media&token=6ec11ab8-39e5-4c58-ad81-7e196b0925ea*Family%204*jpg?alt=media&token=d76e845a-b40a-4834-b2bc-476b30d699c0*FAMILY%202%20FINCH*jpg?alt=media&token=12828abc-d5eb-41f0-a4d6-589235a96f6e*FAMILY%203%20BYRD%20HOUSE*jpg?alt=media&token=605c63c8-54a4-4ee4-a386-2642083db0b6*closing%202*jpg?alt=media&token=3924c08b-0d9d-488b-ad90-f3219e0db248*Closing*jpg?alt=media&token=ba2645f4-31ad-4101-a89a-d517d96579ed